If the David Jeremiah books bother your conscience, then put them aside and maybe revisit them in a few years when you are more spiritually mature, and see what you think then. Rev Debra Crumpton. Thanks for stopping by! Ive never heard him say this, so can you please provide an article or video where he specifically says this? Theology Major Faculty Christ College Armstrong, Clinton J. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Thank you. Because nearly all of the best known female Bible teachers/authors/speakers on the store shelves are false teachers. May i also suggest Dr. Paul Elliott of Teaching the Word. It was a biblically sound church but there was no emphasis on calling out the false doctrine in another brother within the church. Pastor Stephen has spent most of his adult years in Los Angeles with his beautiful wife, Helen, and three adult children. But even if all three of them were speaking at NRB, Im afraid youre misunderstanding whats taking place there. Andrew received a Master of Divinity degree from Andover Newton Theological School. There are many more than these 10 godly men out there, both well-known and obscure, that rightly preach and handle Gods word. books by pastor john hagee; ethical issues facing ethnographers include all of the following except; . Blessings to you! The NRB convention is a business convention, not a theological/ministry/church conference. Hi Robin- Im familiar with that site. Although I regularly listen to him, Alistair Begg and John MacArthur and feel no real difference. He came to know the Lord in his early 30s, while serving as an Air Force officer. Hell provide what you need. I cut my teeth on Chuck Swindol and Charles Stanley. (As I recall, Todd mentioned something to that effect on that episode.). 3.57 avg rating 53 ratings published 2011 5 editions. LEARN ABOUT GARRETT. I am interested to know if youve ever listened to BBNradio.org? Criswell a former pastor of Dallas Baptist Church. I have appreciated the ministry of these men. Stephen Armstrong writes for the Guardian, the Sunday Times, GQ, Elle, Wallpaper and the New Statesman, as well as showing up on Radio 4 whenever they let him. Ive heard the name, but I dont know enough about him to recommend or warn against him. Hi , Im new to Christianity, can the Bible Recap podcast be trusted? Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church of Indiana, Pennsylvania; author, The Greener Grass Conspiracy; blogger . As a far more secondary issue, Id be a little concerned for any man who is reading that book for his own study. 2020 RightNow Ministries Because we have shown "faith" in Him, He is obligated to reward our faith. Thank-you for your ministry, Michelle! Voddie Baucham was at NRB 2021 with false teacher Priscilla Shirer and her dad Tony Evans! I fully agree with you on these 10 men BUT, is there no place for John Piper? Also, what about R.C. And thats ample reason why no one should be reading the books in that series. He led the revitalization of Christ Church, as well as the renovation that took place in 2020. . I feel like thats probably how Todd would explain what he said, but I hate to speak for him. Could you please provide me with a link to an article or video where he says that so I can check it out? 3. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yes, you definitely need to add another 10! Im not aware of any ongoing relationship there since the Doug Phillips scandal a few years ago. ), 3. Does that make sense? I remember asking a Bible major friend at lunch during my first or second week on campus about his experience as a Bible major. I heard if you through Doreen Virtues YouTube. That makes total sense. You may want to shoot him a quick e-mail (hes very good about responding) if you have more questions, or just to confirm thats what he meant. Central Florida Metal Detecting Club, Please let me know what you think about this! For the past 15 years Greg has worked in vocational ministry as worship pastor, young adult pastor and church planter. Thank you very much! Hesselink expounds Calvin's view of the Lord's Supper. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, The Virginia Baptist State Convention Pastor's Conference, Truett Seminary Preaching Conference, and the Stephen Olford Center for Biblical Preaching to name a few. I have yellow flags with Voddie Baucham as well. Stephen Armstrong is the senior pastor. What he said was correct. Hes got you. These teachings were often at odds with traditional Christian beliefs and at times were explicitly in contradiction to the Bible. This is the exact list of pastors that have helped me turn away from the spirit-filledmovement, which was how I turned from new age. Edwards modeled himself as theologian, philosopher, and pastor after outstanding figures in each field. Im not familiar with this site or Dr. Broggi, but at a quick glance it seems to have a biblical statement of faith and nothing I saw raised a red flag right off the bat. Any thoughts on RC Sproul being a part of this NRB International Christian Media Convention in 2017? I would add Justin Peters (so humble and kind and right on theologically), Brannon Howse and Mike Abendroth. Jakes. Both have been to our church as well as Todd Friel, Steve Lawson. Sproul, Sr. is #7 in this very article :0) Bridges and Horton are wonderful teachers, indeed. Randolph County Newspaper, Ive never discussed here atThe Two Cities how I became a Calvinistso I thought Id use this anniversary of sorts as an opportunity to reflect on that. I love your website and appreciate you so much. They have axes to grind and frequently take things out of context to support their agenda. I started listening to men like Paul Washer & Voddie Bachum & started to learn so much. Right know I listening to his sermons on the Book of Isaiah. Thank you for clearing that up. Hes also sharing this daily with other men, so my husband brought it to my attention. Check him out! Great list! It was teeny tiny (I made an even dozen). Stephen Ministry affirms the tremendous value of the laity in doing the work of congregational care, writes pastoral theology professor Tonya Armstrong. Premiered Mar 12, 2022 15 Dislike Share Save Pastor Stephen Armstrong Bible studies 447 subscribers Video also available at: https://fb.watch/bIlZ08O-NG/ This teaching is one of the many. Interestingly I followed your link to read about Keller and saw Michael Horton listed there as well. Going into my Sophomore year after having declared to be a Bible Major, however, I was very concerned to make sure that I had an open mind to the Bibles teaching. But however unwise I think this is, it does not rise to the level of yoking with a false teacher in ministry (2 Corinthians 6:14ff) and it does not warrant removing Voddie from this list, warning against him, or calling him a false teacher, as some might be tempted to do. I also really enjoy David Martyn Lloyd-Jones. I had an unconditional disdain brewing within me. The issue is actually a young male Christian who is using Jesus Calling as his daily devotion. Thanks for your ministry Michelle. Verse By Verse Fellowship, a Northeast Side church, announced Pastor Steve Armstrong. First Corinthians 36 Lessons. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. We are reading his books Agents of the Apocalypse and Agents of Babylon and a few others but now we dont really know how to feel about them- whether it is okay to read them or to totally ditch them. I also consider myself mostly Reformed (you can read more about my beliefs under the statement of faith tab at the top of this page). I know several doctrinally sound pastors and teachers who have relationships like that. But that conversation, a few other conversations with friends, Al Mohlers response to Hurricane Katrina, The Goodness of God and the Reality of Evil, my developing infatuation with John Piper sermons, these all started chipping away at my defenses. I have not researched the validity of, or worldview of the bloggers. Thanks. Many of those teachers have podcasts. Richard Stoll Armstrong is the Ralph B. and Helen S. Ashenfelter Professor Emeritus of Ministry and Evangelism at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. However, I will say this- ANYONE who seeks out a female teacher these days, at the Christian book store or even at the local church level (Sunday School teachers, Bible study leaders, etc. Video Just What Do You Mean Faith Once Delivered? Yes, youre more than welcome to share it around. Stephen Armstrong is a journalist and author. Let's Teach Video Series - Lesson 2. Im not going to warn people away from John Piper as a false teacher, but I cant in good conscience recommend him either. Ten years ago this month (September) I first became a Calvinist. I have listened to all but two of these men. Introducing the Southwestern Seminary faculty. Garrett's Commitment. I originally arrived at BIOLA as a cute little Arminian. Thankful to the Lord for His gift of sound preachers. . Despite having no professional religious training, in 2003 Stephen was called by God to lead a church planting effort in the city as pastor of Living Word Fellowship. Sproul and I used to listen to John MacArthur, but I would really like to know your feelings on him advising people that they can take the mark of the beast and possibly make it to heaven. Elijah was a biblical prophet and predecessor to the prophet Elisha. It is amazing and taught us how we had been taught wrong for so many years. Thank you Michelle, the list is great. :0). Nathan Armstrong. He does a so-so job (but gets an E for effort). The book Yousef mentioned was "From, Thank you for the recent episode about Zionism. One was Apollo 11. :0). By way of brief background, on May 20, 2021, Pastor Tim Armstrong sought the resignation of Pastor Mike Castelli. The Radio Church of God was founded in 1934 in Eugene, Oregon, by radio- and televangelist Herbert W . Jonathan Edwards: From the Editor Papa Edwards . And Im so glad to hear about Grace Reigns as well! I have recently been listening to sermons by Jerry Wragg, senior pastor of Grace Immanuel Bible Church in Jupiter, FL. My husband and I came out of the Assemblies of God and started listening to John MacArthur first, and it was amazing, then we also started to listen to Brannon Howse and I bought Twisted Scriptures, Twisted Theology. 7,417,439 journeys have been made to this site. I remember my frustrated conversation with you after your conversion trying to talk you out of your new-found Calvinism. He definitely is not on my list. Until the start of the Fall Semester in 2006 I was an outspoken Arminian. I think that pretty much covers it :0). Since men have a higher level in the spiritual hierarchy, doesnt using a womans teaching open him up to more possible deception?, No. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary is deeply committed to being a servant seminary that prepares bold spiritual leaders who are public theologians. After reading your false teachers section, I feel like maybe I was naively listening to the wrong man? He encourages daily bible reading and study, his website has a grat data base for questions you might have, and he sends out a daily email if you sign up for it. Blessings to you. I did enjoy the Gospel Message you have at the top of this page. Did a ton of interviews for #FaultLinesBook caught up with some old friends and made some new ones. Priscilla Shirer commented on the post We love you and your family Voddie! Despite the manifold frustrations that I have felt over the years with a certain breed of Calvinist for their sloppy exegesis, caricatures of the perspectives of non-Calvinists, and odd cultural habits, nevertheless, I continue to persevere. Steve Lawson - A pastor for 34 years, Dr. Lawson is now founder and president of OnePassion Ministries, "a ministry designed to equip biblical expositors to bring about a new reformation in the church." He serves on the board of Ligonier Ministries and The Master's Seminary, where he is also Professor of Preaching. When Pastor Stephen Armstrong passed away in January we had a very small ceremony. On Saturday, June 26th at 10:00 a.m. (CST), we will gather at Journey Fellowship Church to celebrate. I dont tend to recommend Tim Keller as he is a continuationist and also subscribes to theistic evolution, although, otherwise, his doctrine is generally sound. Sounds like a great guy! John Hagee teaches demonstrably false doctrine. Stephen Armstrong was the founder and principal teacher of Verse By Verse Ministry International. No worries, happens to me all the time :0). In my opinion any list that does not include Chuck Missler is incomplete. He was using the classic, correct theological definition of heresy, which a lot of people are unaware of these days because the term is tossed about so haphazardly. So you were right LizFromOz. Regarding the lordship-salvation by works issue with MacArthur, I would respectfully ask Have you actually read The Gospel According to Jesus? He does not teach any kind of salvation by works, far from it, only that Jesus is, as the Bible teaches, our LORD and SAVIOUR, and we are called to repent and believe on Him., recognizing His Lordship, rather than believing, going on our merry way, and perhaps, making a later decision to make Him Lord of our lives As for him being a dispensationalist!!! @voddieb 2. Mr. Swaggart has had encounters with prostitutes and has alternately confessed and denied the facts. I dont personally understand it because I could not be close with someone I disagree with so passionately, but thats the way God wired me, and He didnt create everybody else just like me. However, after a brief Google search on him, due to his theology (Cosmic Codes, end times prophecy, UFOs, etc.) Great expositor. I would like to recommend my pastor, Mike Abendroth, of No Compromise Radio and pastor of Bethlehem Bible Church. Great list! Wasnt Voddie Bacham affiliated with Doug Phillips and Vision Forum? But my husband would. How about Chester A. McCalley of This item: Making Deals with God. Jakes is a heretic for two reasons: a) he is a modalist, a classic heresy which denies the biblical nature of the Trinity, and b) he preaches Word of Faith heresy another gospel as described in Galatians 1:6-9. Ive learned over the past few years that TBN is dangerous to the Christian soul and now Im on a journey to find good solid Biblical teaching while still avoiding all false teachers so these lists are more valuable than you know for a newer believer like myself. You can hear some teaching about the problems with Hagee and Young here (just put each of their names in the search bar). The fault lies with people who dont understand the difference between true heresy and false teaching. To add more books, click here . Hi Michelle, Since men have a higher level in the spiritual hierarchy, doesnt using a womans teaching open him up to more possible deception? If youre on a computer, go to the right sidebar and scroll down until you get to Blogs and Podcasts I Follow. Holy Day Media. An early pioneer of radio and television evangelism, Armstrong preached what he claimed was the comprehensive combination of doctrines in the entire Bible, in the light of the New Covenant scriptures, which he maintained to be the restored true Gospel. Will read more in depth shortly; its a fascinating read! Our professor, Dr. John McKinley, had assigned us a theology project in which we had to analyze all of the key texts in the salvation/election debate and provide our own statement on the subject. Steven was raised in . stephen armstrong pastor age. 2017 Dave Armstrong. I have news for them. Thanks again! Thank you for sharing this! Chalke, Steve [rejects penal substitution and biblical Inerrancy; supports same sex unions] Cho, Paul or David Yonggi [Word of Faith, pastor of largest church in the world] Claiborne, Shane [Progressive Christian] Clement, Kim [New Apostolic Reformation] Copeland, Kenneth and Gloria [Word of Faith] John Dominic Crossan [Liberal Theology] Thanks for asking! Let's Teach Video Series - Lesson 1. 2. Sproul and John MacArthur. You can also find good podcasts to listen to in two other ways: 1. Real heresy is narrowly focused. On a funny note my husband had been told at a former church that the pastor would never have a person like Paul Washer teach at his pulpit because he was arrogant. deputy governor danforth motivation. Im not exactly sure what to do. I love all these brothers teachings on the Word. This resource may be helpful as you research him. Oh please, do not give up on finding a biblically sound church . I respect his teaching as much as the others listed. There are many others that could be on this list, but the 10 youve chosen are among my go to gang of Godly teachers. Professor Clark is the Pastor of Discipleship Ministries at Emmanuel Faith Community Church in Escondido, CA. Stay strong in the fight! Again a few of my favourites, but its great to have more names to check out. Dr. Steven Marsh in Laguna Woods, California. I know this is a challenging time, and you feel like you want to hurry and make up for the lost time you spent in false doctrine, but you have to remember that spiritual growth is a process. I felt like I had been putting limits on God and I was beginning to see how boundless he really is. To me, it taints his body of work. It all happened at the beginning of my Sophomore year at BIOLA University. All comments are handled manually, and I do not publish comments which promote false doctrine. I spent my Sundays listening to sermons online while cruising the internet everyday. 3. So please, do not give up. Peter felt God's invitation to seminary and had a life-changing experience at the Talbot School of Theology. Our mission is to work with the global church to inspire people to love others before self and Christ above all. The first chapter I read was the chapter on Romans 9 by Tom Schreiner. We currently attend a church in Maine that has a freewill doctrine. A Christian ministry teaching the whole counsel of God's word. Because Mormons emphasize free agency so much, I felt like I needed to emphasize the creator/creature distinction between God and man, the freedom of God over against the bondage of humanity to sin, and the radical grace of God that initiates salvation. Rick Warren, on the other hand, would fall into the category of false teacher. Id this the same add being taught by a woman? I have read and listened to all on your list and consider them to be sound teachers as well. Perhaps it can be said that I never really developed into that Cage Stage Calvinist that we all know so well. CARM strongly recommends that a woman who is in charge of a group of people in the church not be called "pastor" even if she is not ordained. This group study examines thought-provoking teaching of core biblical concepts in prophecy.The study features a 152-page workbook and 12 videos designed to prepare both individual students and small groups for a deeper understanding of eschatology. I was already aware of Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer and the Osteens. One little church, I literally had to run out of on my second visit. Hi J- Thanks so much for your comments and your desire to protect his reputation. Your opening point is very valid: so many of us seem to be The Bible and Christians instead of just opening the Book and reading it. I really appreciate your blog and am grateful to sister Kim for pointing me to you! All the guys at grace Immanuel are excellent! Hi Elizabeth, yes, please see my comments to WriterHelenDavis (early April) and Robin McLain above (mid August), who had the same questions. Even now I get teary eyed thinking about it. LISTEN to our Hospitality: Part 2 episode on @awordfitlyspoken! http://www.wordoftruthkc.org. I would not construe Sprouls (or any other doctrinally sound and discerning pastor/teacher) participation as partnering with false teachers, but rather demonstrating, via his high profile, that NRB does carry some doctrinally sound teachers and encouraging people to partake of NRBs programs that feature doctrinally sound teachers. I am certainly glad to take a moment to pray for you and your wife. Im currently listening to Jims podcasts through John; he brings the words to new lights; particularly those round the crucifixion. Hope you dont mind, but I downloaded it onto my computer and want to share it sometime with others. Her husband is a Pastor in Oklahoma, and she is sound in her doctrine. Neither you nor I know the exact nature or depth of Voddies and Tonys relationship. Curious what you think of Dr. John Barnett of Calvary In Michigan? Friend of Phil Johnson, John MacArthur. Go to the Recommended Bible Teachers tab in the blue menu bar. Austin - Daniel Lewis Armstrong III, was born in Houston, TX, on July 16, 1938, the only child of Daniel and Phebe Armstrong Jr., and passed away in Austin, TX on October 14, 2021 at the . We seek to make a transformative impact in the church, the academy, and the world. Hermeneutics of Love (Guest Post) The Two, Thanks for listening Jennifer! His partner, Boyd Smith, was with him when he died. Thank you. Im surprised that I cannot find Erwin Lutzer in either of your lists or their comments. If you can find a book study thats doctrinally sound and isnt aimed at women, it would be OK (the male teacher is still the one teaching the class and in authority over it), but I would encourage the teacher that it might be better to find a good, doctrinally sound study written by a man (there are plenty of those out there) just to avoid any stumbling blocks for anybody. Its my pleasure to serve you in Christ :0), Many names I dont know yet! This was the essay that finally did it for me. Hey Josh, yea I think thats part of it for sure. Some people call acquaintances with whom they have a cordial Hi, how are you? relationship friends. Or its possible that Voddie is maintaining a friendly relationship with Tony in order to disciple him and correct his errant theology. Professor Clark is the Pastor of Discipleship Ministries at Emmanuel Faith Community Church in Escondido, CA. Never give up. Five Reasons for Armstrong's Success: 1. Charles Stanley and Jack Graham are to me the best of the best.